Sacraments of Initiation
Since Baptism recalls and makes present the Paschal Mystery, the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, the celebration of Baptism must reflect the joy of the Resurrection! Therefore, other than in a case of emergency or danger of death, it is not appropriate to celebrate baptisms in the Lenten season.
Please note that during the season of Lent the Sacrament of Baptism is not celebrated here at Christ the King Parish.
Parents/Guardians who wish to have their child or children baptised, must attend a Baptismal Course here at Christ the King Parish. To book in for the next Baptism Class please contact the Parish Office for details.
Please note that baptisms are usually celebrated communally.
First Reconciliation, Confirmation & First Holy Communion
These sacraments are usually celebrated in the Parish between September and November each year (date is dependent upon the availability of the Bishop).
Our Sacramental Process covers approximately nine weeks of classes. These one and a half hour classes are usually held after the Sunday 10am mass on dates specified.
To be eligible for this course children must be eight years of age or older as at the date of the Confirmation/First Holy Communion Mass, for that year.
The process involves both parents/guardians and children; separate sessions for parents are provided at the same time as those for the children.
Registration for these classes usually begin in July.
Becoming Catholic
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
An important part of the Parish’s life is welcoming new Catholics. The programme of adult formation in the faith is known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). It is a wonderful series of steps and stages that can lead to baptism, confirmation and Eucharist (Communion).
Usually adult baptisms (or ‘Reception’ if you were already baptised in another Christian denomination) take place at the great Easter Vigil Mass. It is a wonderful and moving ceremony that coincides with the first Mass of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday morning. You can join the RCIA at any time. Enquirers are welcome and we would like you to know that there will be no pressure to sign up. We take you as you are and go at your pace!. For further (no obligation) enquiries, please contact the Parish Priest.
Sacraments of Healing
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered every Saturday morning after the 9:00am Mass or by appointment with the priest.
Please contact the Parish Office or Parish Priest to make an appointment.
Anointing of the Sick
Here at Christ the King we have several masses offered during the year where the Sacrament of Anointing is offered to all those who wish to be anointed with the Oil of the Sick. Please contact the Parish Office for more details.
The Sacrament will also be administered upon request (for those in hospital, those about to undergo surgery, those who are unwell physically and mentally, and so forth). Please contact the Parish Office or Parish Priest.
Sacraments of Service
If you wish to marry in the Catholic Church, you or your fiancée must be a baptised Catholic (a copy of your Baptism Certificate is required). Contact the Priest at least six months prior to your wedding day.
You and your fiancée are required to attend a Pre Marriage Preparation Course, ideally several months before your wedding day. These courses are run throughout the year, and are managed by the Diocesan Centre. To book into one of these courses please call the Co-ordinator of Marriage Preparation on +64 9 360 3025 or Email: [email protected] or visit .
If you have been previously married and hope to enter into another marriage in the Catholic Church make an appointment to speak to the Parish Priest as soon as possible. Alternately you may wish to contact the Marriage Tribunal Office Staff who are most helpful. Because of the time and work involved in the Annulment Process, there is a charge, however do not let that deter you from speaking with them about any problems or difficulties. Phone +64 9 360 3030 or email [email protected] or visit:
Vocation to the Priesthood
As families, we should pray that some of our children will heed God’s call to permanent ministry in the Church as Religious, Priests or Deacons.
When the time comes that one needs to seek some advice, contact the Vocations Director: Rev Sherwin Lapaan, [email protected]. Email him to make arrangements to have a chat. No one can discern ones vocation without the assistance of other people. The Vocations Director is here to offer support, answer questions and assist in discerning God’s call.Meet with a Spiritual Director regularly. If you need assistance finding a Spiritual Director, contact the diocesan Vocations Director who can help you find one. Your Spiritual Director will assist you in discerning what vocation God is calling you to. Meet with your parish priest. Let him know what your hopes and dreams are. Ask him questions about the priesthood. Take the opportunity to meet other priests in the Diocese and get to know them. Ask them to tell you about their call to the priesthood. Each priest has a unique call from God.
For more information visit: