Planned Giving Scheme
“Christ’s faithful have the obligation to provide for the needs of the Church, so that the Church has available to it those things which are necessary for divine worship, for works of the apostolate and of charity, and for the worthy support of its ministers.”
Canon 222, The Code of Canon Law, 1983.
A Planned Giving Programme has been in place for many years at Christ the King. This program allows people to contribute, on a regular basis, to the care of the Parish priest and the Bishop and to the upkeep of the Parish itself.
Planned Giving enrolment options can be found on the parish registration form. Contributions can be made through the envelope system or by automatic payment. By providing contact details and indicating your preferred method of contribution, a set of envelopes or automatic payment details will be forwarded to you. One of the benefits of being enrolled in the Planned Giving Programme, as opposed to making loose cash contributions to the collection basket, is that your contributions are recorded each week and a tax receipt is sent to you at the end of the tax year (31 March).
The Catholic Church is registered as a charitable organisation and there is no limit on the amount you can claim for a tax purposes. To enrol in the Christ the King Planned Giving Programme, please forward your name, address, phone number and payment preference (i.e. envelopes or automatic payment) to the Parish Office.